Dr Sarah Briggs
Sarah Briggs is one of the CPM’s Junior Research Fellows in Medical Sciences. Her DPhil research, funded by the Medical Research Council, evaluated the use of polygenic risk scores in predicting bowel cancer risk. Sarah’s ongoing research interests include assessing the environmental impact of the genomic technologies increasingly employed to personalise healthcare. She studied medicine at the University of Oxford, and is a clinician, training in Medical Oncology in Oxford.
Recent publications
72 Audit of Oxford University Hospitals Mesothelioma service
Sarah Briggs, Alguili Elsheikh, Charlotte Buckle, et al (2024), Lung Cancer, 190
Cancer and climate change: the environmental impact of cancer care.
Sarah Briggs, James Cavet, Carolynn Lamb, et al (2021), The Lancet. Oncology, 22
Evaluating the integration of genomics into cancer screening programmes: challenges and opportunities
Sarah Briggs, I Slade, Sarah Briggs, et al (2019), Current Genetic Medicine Reports, 7
Antiangiogenesis: focus on colorectal cancer
Sarah Briggs, Rachel Midgley, Sarah Briggs, et al (2014), N/A, N/A
Germline and somatic polymerase ε and δ mutations define a new class of hypermutated colorectal and endometrial cancers.
Sarah Briggs, Ian Tomlinson, Sarah Briggs, et al (2013), The Journal of pathology, 230