Viewing archives for Personalised Medicine in Practice: Advances in Reproductive Science

Animal Models in Reproductive Health

Filmed at the CPM’s event ‘Personalised Medicine in Practice: Advances in Reproductive Science’ on 7th March 2017, Erin Greaves gives her talk ‘Animal Models in Reproductive Health’.

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Personalised Medicine in Endometrial Factor: Transcriptomics and Machine Learning Predictors

Filmed at the CPM’s event ‘Personalised Medicine in Practice: Advances in Reproductive Science’ on 7th March 2017, Patricia Diaz Gimeno gives her talk ‘Personalised Medicine in endometrial factor evaluation: transcriptomics and machine learning predictors’.

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Ethics in Reproductive Science: Prenatal Assessment of Genome and Exomes

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The evolution of preimplantation genetic diagnosis: karyomapping and beyond

Filmed at the CPM’s event ‘Personalised Medicine in Practice: Advances in Reproductive Science’ on 7th March 2017, Dagan Wells gives his talk ‘The evolution of preimplantation genetic diagnosis: karyomapping and beyond’.

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