This presentation considers the methodological challenges associated with conducting economic evaluations in genomics. The issues fall into several categories including choosing an appropriate analytical approach, and the challenges associated with measuring costs, outcomes and effectiveness. James Buchanan joined the Health Economics Research Centre in September 2005, having completed his MA in Economic Development and Policy Analysis and his BA in Economics at the University of Nottingham. James is currently undertaking a DPhil (PhD) investigating issues related to the economic analysis of genomic diagnostic technologies for multifactorial genetic diseases in the UK NHS, based on a study evaluating targeted next generation sequencing in chronic lymphocytic leukaemia. Previous genetics projects have included the development of an economic modelling framework to evaluate novel genomic diagnostic tools in inflammatory bowel disease, a cost-effectiveness analysis of microarray technology in the NHS, and an economic evaluation of the use of genetic testing to identify gastrointestinal pathogens to improve hospital infection control practice. Jilles Fermont is a researcher at the Health Economic Research Centre, University of Oxford. Jilles primarily works on projects addressing the economics of genetic and genomic technologies such as high-throughput next-generation sequencing in cancer research and whole-genome sequencing in mycobacteria and humans for individual patient care. His research is funded from several sources such as the Health Innovation Challenge Fund and the Technology Strategy Board. In addition, Jilles is an honorary NHS researcher at the Oxford Molecular Diagnostics Centre. His research interests include economic evaluations, clinical trials, discrete choice experiments, cancer research, translational research, and genetic and genomic technologies.

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