Christopher Gyngell is a Team Leader in Biomedical Ethics at the Murdoch Children’s Research Institute; Senior Lecturer in the Department of Paediatrics at the University of Melbourne; and a Senior Research Fellow at the Melbourne Law School. His research interests lie primarily in the ethical implications of biotechnologies and the philosophy of health and disease Danya Vears is a social scientist with a genetic counselling background who explores ethical issues relating to genetic testing. She is a Senior Research Fellow and Team Leader at the Biomedical Ethics Research Group, Murdoch Children’s Research Institute, and holds honorary positions at University of Melbourne, and as a Guest Professor at the Centre for Biomedical Ethics and Law, KU Leuven. Danya’s current research focuses on the practical, social and ethical issues relating to the use of next generation sequencing technologies in both clinical and research settings. Danya is a member of the Education, Ethics and Social Issues Committee of the Human Genetic Society of Australasia and also the Global Alliance for Genomics and Health.

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